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The Jennings County Chamber of Commerce has existed since 1955 to influence, develop and maintain a prosperous business climate for Jennings County. Today, the Chamber is the county's primary protector of business interests and the collective voice for more than 300 firms on the issues that affect their livelihood.

The Chamber is a non-profit, autonomous organization governed by a Board of Directors and staffed by an Executive Director. The Chamber is not a government agency, nor does it receive government funds. The Chamber's relationship with the government is strictly as an advocate on legislative or regulatory issues that could negatively affect business. The Chamber is funded by it's members investments.

The Chamber's Board of Directors approves the budget, mission, strategic policies and goals of the Chamber.

Chamber committees and task forces initiate and implement annual programs and events.

The Chamber handles a multitude of calls which may include requests for relocation packets, school, local agency, and business information or information on chamber benefits and services.

MISSION:   The Jennings County Chamber of Commerce provides programs and resources to the business and
                      professional community by working together to promote a healthy business environment.

VISION:   Enhancing Prosperity in the Business Community